Telling the tales of all things creepy, cryptid, and otherworldly. Hosted by Paranormal researcher, author and host of the TV shows Oddity Files and Paranormal Crossroad Kitsie Duncan, and paranormal enthusiast Nick Floyd. They bring you creepy and weird stories, but bring enough laughs in so you can still sleep with the lights off.
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Ep. 15: Terror in Chicagoland
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
In this week's inadvertent Chicago double feature, Clayton covers the infamous Iroquois Theater Fire of 1903, and Kitsie takes on a multitude of airport hauntings around the world, including the haunting of Chicago O'Hare International and American Airlines Flight 191.
You have one week left to purchase tickets to our first LIVE SHOW at HorrorHound Cincinnati! Tickets at www.horrorhoundweekend.com.