Telling the tales of all things creepy, cryptid, and otherworldly. Hosted by Paranormal researcher, author and host of the TV shows Oddity Files and Paranormal Crossroad Kitsie Duncan, and paranormal enthusiast Nick Floyd. They bring you creepy and weird stories, but bring enough laughs in so you can still sleep with the lights off.
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Ep. 70 Seems a Little Harsh
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Hey kiddos.
We have a BRAND new episode for your Self Distancing pleasures.
This week we discuss the possible dead body wrapped and left in a Mexican River (JK) it's just a cursed doll.
Kitsie talks about the Papa Legba of VooDoo religion, and why you should know more about him.
Clayton educates us the Latin American Folklore story of La Patasola.
And a crazy personal Paranormal story about some Haunted woods in Kentucky.
Weird Is the New Cooll!!