Telling the tales of all things creepy, cryptid, and otherworldly. Hosted by Paranormal researcher, author and host of the TV shows Oddity Files and Paranormal Crossroad Kitsie Duncan, and paranormal enthusiast Nick Floyd. They bring you creepy and weird stories, but bring enough laughs in so you can still sleep with the lights off.
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Ep. 82 Randonauts Roll Out
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Happy Friday!
This week has minimal puppy talk, but can we talk about those insane screams coming from Bryan Texas?
Kitsie tells us all about the Randonautica and the creepy tales people are telling about their randonaughting adventures. Will you give it a try? Kitsie and Nick have plans to.
Nicks story of 657 Boulevard, is complete insanity and will have you wondering what to think!! And possibly needing to keep the lights tonight when you sleep.
Send your personal paranormal stories in at oddityfilescrew@gmail.com
This is the last week for our instagram contest to win a K2 meter, enter today! Drawing 06.19.2020
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